Pipeline cathodic protection designs and AC interference studies, whether completed using conventional calculations or computer modeling, are heavily dependent on the quality of the pipeline’s coating. Coating resistance is often coarsely estimated using established values from literature where pipeline age, coating type, and subjective Operator […]
Computer modelling and simulation holds the promise of improved outcomes and more efficient resource allocation. However, attaining these results requires careful consideration of model inputs, robust mechanistic or probabilistic characterizations, delineation of assumptions, validation of outputs versus available data, and the appropriate use of model […]
Coating resistance or conductance values are critical input parameters for the accurate modelling and design of AC mitigation and cathodic protection (CP) systems for pipelines. However, there are relatively few sources for real-world coating resistance values in the literature. To attempt to fill this gap, […]
The long-term service life outcomes were compared for similar natural gas storage wells operated with either no cathodic protection or partial cathodic protection. Cathodic protection for storage wells is not mandated by regulation and industry practice varies so the outcomes for more than 350 wells […]
Pipeline operators are becoming more dependent on coupons for demonstrating adequate cathodic protection as the use of multi-line corridors has increased. In such complex right-of-way configurations, the pipelines are often bonded together for cathodic protection purposes. The presence of widely varying coating qualities and current […]
Trenchless technologies are increasingly used to install pipelines at crossings with environmentally sensitive features, highways, etc. For deep crossings installed in rock via horizontal directional drilling (HDD), there has been concern within the pipeline industry about the effectiveness of conventional monitoring and cathodic protection techniques. […]
Techniques for telluric compensation of close-interval potential survey (CIPS) data have been known and used in the pipeline industry for many years. However, in recent years, operators have begun to question the effectiveness of surveys performed during periods of significant telluric activity and, in some […]