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Challenges in Mitigating AC Interference in Remote Areas

Published: 20170329 by NACE Corrsion
Author(s): Malvin Luk
Co-Author(s): D.Hebb - Corrosion Service, E. Gudion - TransCanada Pipelines, C. Khattar - TransCanada Pipelines

An AC interference study was conducted in 2015 following the installation of a new 240 kV powerline in a remote area of Alberta, Canada.

The calculations indicated severe risk of AC corrosion for the paralleling pipelines and safety hazards for pipeline personnel, especially under fault conditions.

A mitigation system was designed, consisting of more than 10 km of bare copper mitigation wire; however due to site conditions (i.e. winter access only) it was impossible to install the system prior to powerline energization.

This paper describes both the challenges and the solutions in this project, including the design and optimization of a temporary mitigation system allowing energization of the powerline at reduced power.