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AC Interference and Mitigation at Pipeline Facilities – Case Study

Published: 20250407
Author(s): Hycem Bahgat, Sorin Segall
Co-Author(s): H. Bahgat - Corrosion Service, S. Segall - Corrosion Service, E. Gudino - TC Energy

An AC interference study was conducted in 2021 following a utility development with the addition of a high voltage AC powerline in Alberta, Canada. The study comprised of 11 pipelines and 4 powerlines collocating in several stretches totalling approximately 50 km of collocation, with various crossing locations.

In the unmitigated state, the modelling results indicated that mitigation under fault conditions is required at 17 pipeline facilities.

This paper discusses the strategies used to optimize the mitigation, considering the facilities specific conditions, some of the challenges faced by the install crews, and the changes to design during construction.

The optimized design approach resulted in overall less mitigation requirements, smaller number of site visits, reduced construction footprint and environmental impact, and reduction in the overall project cost.