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Author : Sorin Segall

Sorin Segall

Sorin Segall is Vice President of Technical Engineering at Corrosion Service Company Ltd. He has been with Corrosion Service since 1993 specializing in corrosion engineering, including cathodic protection, mitigation of AC induced voltages and AC enhanced corrosion and direct assessment of external corrosion. He has a Masters degree in electrical engineering from the University of Bucharest, Romania, and he is a NACE certified Cathodic Protection Specialist and a Professional Engineer.

Published : March 7, 2016

The analysis of indirect inspection data is a critical factor in conducting a successful ECDA process. This paper covers two lessons learned recently when dealing with bonded pipelines along common rights-of-way and also with equalization currents. The “old” challenge of differentiating between “threat” related versus […]

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Published : March 1, 2015

This paper summarizes the results of ten years of External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) application on more than 100 projects and includes a number of important lessons learned during the process. The large majority of the ECDA projects resulted in “clean bills of health” for […]

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Published : March 9, 2014

The analysis of indirect inspection data is a critical factor in conducting a successful External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) process. Any “out of range” data must be validated prior to being con­sidered an ECDA indication. Furthermore, standard methods of validating the accuracy of the field […]

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Published : March 17, 2013

Two leaks were found on a recently installed (1999) pipeline which was coated with extruded polyethylene and protected with directly connected magnesium anodes. This paper describes the use of external corrosion direct assessment (ECDA) principles to identify locations where corrosion could pose a threat to […]

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Published : March 11, 2012

An effective In-line Inspection (ILI) program must provide a prioritized excavation response plan to address anomalies identified as being of particular concern. Locations that show potential for imminent or short term failure are prioritized under Phase 1 and Phase 2 responses respectively. Anomalies that could […]

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Published : March 13, 2011

The interpretation of the indirect inspection data is a critical factor in conducting a successful ECDA process. The data must be validated, discrepancies must be resolved, and indications must be identified, classified and prioritized, in order to select the sites for direct examinations. The pipeline […]

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Published : March 14, 2010

The quality of the indirect inspection data is a critical factor in conducting a successful ECDA program. New NACE standards (SP0207-20071 and TM 0109-092), improved instrumentation, experience sharing, and extensive training during the last several years, has resulted in a significant improvement in the accuracy […]

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