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Library of Technical Papers

Since our founding Corrosion Service has and remains a leader in the corrosion control industry, supporting the various industries in North America and around the World ensuring asset integrity by providing responsible engineering services.

As part of our continued commitment, we would like to welcome you to our electronic Library as the place to view our various technical papers written and presented since 1950 supporting, educating and advancing the corrosion industry advancement.

On your left you can select the author of interest to view all papers presented or enter a search by topic. For each, an abstract is provided and a download link for your review. We would be please to assist if you have any questions and feel free to contact us.

Sorin Segal Technical Library Dedication

The Corrosion Service Library

We converted a prime corner office into a Library at our Head Office and dedicated the room to Sorin Segall because of his commitment to Corrosion Service, the numerous papers presented, the engineering mentoring within Corrosion Service and to our industry. We would be pleased for you to come and view this comprehensive library that includes various text books, relevant publications, all NACE Materials Performance magazines presented since first publication, technical bulletins and various other related corrosion related print material.

Our Technical Papers For Download

Published : March 29, 2017

An AC interference study was conducted in 2015 following the installation of a new 240 kV powerline in a remote area of Alberta, Canada. The calculations indicated severe risk of AC corrosion for the paralleling pipelines and safety hazards for pipeline personnel, especially under fault […]

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Published : March 27, 2017

In recent years, effective techniques have been developed for conducting integrity assessments along cross-country pipelines.  In order to provide similar confidence in facility integrity, it was proposed to apply a modified external corrosion direct assessment process to a small station.  Until now, congested facility environments […]

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Published : March 7, 2016

The analysis of indirect inspection data is a critical factor in conducting a successful ECDA process. This paper covers two lessons learned recently when dealing with bonded pipelines along common rights-of-way and also with equalization currents. The “old” challenge of differentiating between “threat” related versus […]

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Published : March 6, 2016

The conventional understanding of the cathodic protection mechanism is illustrated in the definition of cathodic protection arising from the research of Mears and Brown in 1938. That is, cathodic protection is complete when the corrosion cell cathodes are polarized electronegatively to the open circuit potential […]

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Published : March 16, 2015

When installing pipelines in rocky areas, additional mechanical safeguards may be necessary to protect the coating. These safeguards may take the form of intermittent supports which elevate the pipeline off the trench bottom. As such supports are non-metallic and are installed directly against the pipeline […]

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Published : March 1, 2015

This paper summarizes the results of ten years of External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) application on more than 100 projects and includes a number of important lessons learned during the process. The large majority of the ECDA projects resulted in “clean bills of health” for […]

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Published : March 9, 2014

The analysis of indirect inspection data is a critical factor in conducting a successful External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) process. Any “out of range” data must be validated prior to being con­sidered an ECDA indication. Furthermore, standard methods of validating the accuracy of the field […]

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Published : March 17, 2013

Two leaks were found on a recently installed (1999) pipeline which was coated with extruded polyethylene and protected with directly connected magnesium anodes. This paper describes the use of external corrosion direct assessment (ECDA) principles to identify locations where corrosion could pose a threat to […]

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