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Library of Technical Papers

Since our founding Corrosion Service has and remains a leader in the corrosion control industry, supporting the various industries in North America and around the World ensuring asset integrity by providing responsible engineering services.

As part of our continued commitment, we would like to welcome you to our electronic Library as the place to view our various technical papers written and presented since 1950 supporting, educating and advancing the corrosion industry advancement.

On your left you can select the author of interest to view all papers presented or enter a search by topic. For each, an abstract is provided and a download link for your review. We would be please to assist if you have any questions and feel free to contact us.

Sorin Segal Technical Library Dedication

The Corrosion Service Library

We converted a prime corner office into a Library at our Head Office and dedicated the room to Sorin Segall because of his commitment to Corrosion Service, the numerous papers presented, the engineering mentoring within Corrosion Service and to our industry. We would be pleased for you to come and view this comprehensive library that includes various text books, relevant publications, all NACE Materials Performance magazines presented since first publication, technical bulletins and various other related corrosion related print material.

Our Technical Papers For Download

Published : August 3, 2004

External corrosion of iron watermains has been a problem for municipalities for over 100 years. The three main causes of corrosion, in a historical context are: stray currents from electrified transit systems dissimilar soils galvanic corrosion All of these causes remain with us today, although […]

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Published : May 4, 2004

The service life of Mg anode cathodic protection systems installed on iron water mains has, in some instances, been significantly less than design calculations would predict. Testing of high-potential Mg alloys from various suppliers using the ASTM G97-89 test method indicates that efficiencies are widely […]

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Published : March 28, 2004

Although cathodically protected pipelines are often connected directly to electrical ground in stations and plants, there is little information on the amount of current required to polarize various grounding materials such as copper, tinned copper, stainless steel, silicon iron, and galvanized steel. This paper presents […]

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Published : February 16, 2004

Copper grounding has a detrimental effect on cathodic protection (CP) of interconnected underground carbon steel piping. The copper can consume large amounts of protection current as well as introducing significant measurement errors when verifying the protection level of the piping. This paper examines the interaction […]

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Published : May 1, 2002

Anodic protection (AP) is powerful technique for corrosion mitigation of white and green liquor tankage.  Recent improvements are discussed. The use of Distributed Current Sources (DCS) resulted in decrease of: 1) mill personnel involvement 2) logistical hurdles for repassivation 3) DC cabling costs Current distribution […]

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Published : June 1, 2001

“There is a sucker born every minute” is a statement attributed to P.T. Barnum of circus fame who also opined that “Every crowd has a silver lining.” This apparent truism has encouraged all kinds of grifters, con men, and others scoundrels to devise schemes to […]

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Published : May 2, 2001

Most metals will corrode within a certain range of electrical solution potential and solution pH. At potentials more negative than this range, corrosion ceases (cathodic protection). At potentials more positive than this range, several metals become passive. For these metals the potential can be shifted […]

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Published : March 11, 2001

The Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline on the east coast of North America is constructed through an area where large geomagnetic disturbances can be expected. Because of this it was decided to include consideration of telluric current effects in the design of the cathodic protection (CP) […]

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